Articles Curated by Formula SAE Judges
Aero Placement And Mounting
Keeping aero parts from hitting the ground
Unexpected loads and directions
Stopping oscillation
Making or buying cables
Competitive Intelligence
Doing research, reverse engineering, setting design targets. Additional insight for teams thinking about making the EV transition.
Overall Vehicle Priorities
To manage priorities, ask four questions about every design decision, in this order: 1. Is it legal or illegal? 2. How does the change affect reliability or repeatability? 3. How does the change affect overall vehicle performance over a lap? 4. What are the drivability effects?
Adding Aero, Justifying Aero
Simply finding the combination that gives the fastest laptime is missing the point. The point is to understand the size of each effect, and how to engineer each effect to achieve the fastest laptime.
Critical Specifications For Balance
Chassis, mass, and aerodynamic interactions affecting steady-state balance, and the purpose of anti-roll bars.