Articles Curated by Formula SAE Judges
Threaded Fasteners
Clamp load, bolt stretch, joint stiffness
Prevent self loosening
Torquing methods
Fastener types
Conceptual and Objective Design in FSAE
How to find the optimum concept for your overall racecar
How to nail down the concept before putting effort into perfecting its systems
How to get more design points for overall racecar design
How to create a design process that can be handed down to succeeding teams
FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) and its Usage in FSAE
FMEA can capture the dangerous things cars may do when put in an unsafe state, and can help the team verify they meet and exceed safety regulations and requirements.
Aero Placement And Mounting
Keeping aero parts from hitting the ground
Unexpected loads and directions
Stopping oscillation
Making or buying cables
A Guide To FSAE Axles
Many of the common issues with FSAE halfshafts stem from these problems:
Extreme misalignment between differential and wheel hub
Tripod housing depth too shallow or too deep on either or both ends
Contaminants in grease
Changing Gear Mechanically
Travel, Backlash, Deflection
Bearing Stiffness, Contact Area, Degrees Of Freedom
Link Stiffness, Strength, Weight
EV Performance Fundamentals
Engineer a strong battery lifespan
EV Efficiency is as important as mass, downforce, drag, power, and mu.
Create tools for drivers to manage energy
Add regenerative braking later
Overall Vehicle Priorities
To manage priorities, ask four questions about every design decision, in this order: 1. Is it legal or illegal? 2. How does the change affect reliability or repeatability? 3. How does the change affect overall vehicle performance over a lap? 4. What are the drivability effects?
Design Of Strong, Stiff, And Light Structures And Joints
The most common barrier between your team and your performance goals is reliability. These design best practices are intended to help you create strong, stiff, and light mechanical designs. Every design requires tradeoffs, and this list is not intended to be a set of absolute rules; but it will help you identify common design strategies to follow, pitfalls to avoid, and will inform your design decision making.
Used Engine Reliability
Steps to reduce the chances of valve-piston contact or crank bearing failure. The importance of cooling and RPM limits.